Thursday, 4 October 2007

Prøve i Dansk 3

Anybody knows about the PD3 test if we should do something (e.g. contact other schools for info/reserve seat for the exam) ... or if it will be handled by KISS??



Unknown said...
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K!SS said...

Have anyone tried to contact Studieskolen? I just called them and they informed that, they won't take KISS students for the PD3 prøve ...

Unknown said...

If you are already signed up for Prøve i Dansk 3 at KISS, you will need to contact one of the other schools offering this exam, and sign up again as soon as possible. The Ministry of Integration has given a dispensation for KISS students, so that they may re-sign up for the exams even though the deadline was in mid-September.

The Office of Integration Policy in Copenhagen has received a list of the students who were signed up through KISS, so the other language schools will be able to verify that you were in fact signed up before.

You might ask why you have to sign up again - why weren't all the exam registrations taken over by one of the other language schools? It might seem very bureaucratic, but it was important not to show favoritism to (or overwhelm, as the case may be) one particular school. That is the reasoning, in any case.

Prøve i Dansk 3 is held by Studieskolen, Kigkurren, Københavns Sprogcenter and IA.

If you have already signed up for Studieprøven, don't worry. Studieskolen always holds this exam for KISS anyway, so they have your registration.

Kristine McGowen, Studieskolen's Danish department

NB - if you want to sign up for PD3 at Studieskolen, you can either come in in person OR send an email to Include your name, cpr. number, address, telephone number and email address, as well as the fact that you were previously signed up at KISS. If you want to sign up at one of the other language schools, call them and ask how they want you to apply.

Anonymous said...

There is some article about that in the pther blog (wetpaint). I didn't read it because I'm not so far, yet. But it might be interesting for you...