Monday, 1 October 2007


Hey guys,
My boyfriend suggested that we should write to members of
Borgerrepræsentationen and not only to borgemasterne. Particullary the
memebers of Økonomiudvalget

and the members of Beskæftigelses- og Integrationsudvalget

Of course the borgmasterne are the most important persons but the members
of Borgerrepræsentationen are voting. So if we mangage to convince them
that closing KISS is really bad idea they may help us.

Another interesting link to Mødeplanen for Borgerrepræsentationens

It seems they are going to discuss general budget on the 11 October at 16:00.

Mange kærlige hilser,


Unknown said...

Hi guys,

I have consulted a Danish friend of mine studying political science at the University of Copenhagen, and who has also experience in organising demonstrations.

Here is what he wrote back to me- I think that some of this tips we can use.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Oct 2, 2007 7:53 AM
Subject: Re: Need your political expertise!
To: Ana

Hi Ana,

just a couple of things I can think of on top of my head...

Call Lorry, the most watched local news, and inform them of the reason,
and location of the protest, and be sure to give them a contact person
for a possible interview. Be sure to prep the person so that they get
the message out. They might get about 20 seconds on air, so they have to
be on point.
Also call og write Local Eyes they like to have cameraes all over the place.

If you want to contact someone in parlament i would call Rune Lund
( from Enhedlisten (left wing). He studies political
science at KU, and is a really passionate guy. He might be willing to
ask the provocating questions in Folketinget since the governement
partiet are always talking about that "the foreigners" should try to
learn danish, and the reason why they don't is because they don't try.
If you sit down and find the facts about who voted for the closing, and
when, he might take up the question. Enhedslisten would like to have the
story "in the pocket" anyway for future use, so i could imagine that they
would like you to tell them anyway. They might be a bit busy tomorrow
though, the parlament opens tommorow.

I have a attached a document from a city council meeting from last year.
I have highlighted a section where the write that they have denied an
apllication for further funds in spite of the fact /"this laguage school
(/KISS)/ actually is one of the most succesfull ones, that we have in
Copenhagen, one of the school, that without comparison gets most
students thru the system with really, really good results."/

"upåagtet at den her sprogskole faktisk er en af de mest succesfulde
skoler, vi har i København, en af de skoler, der uden sammenligning får
flest studerende gennem systemet med rigtig, rigtig gode resultater."

There is also an English language newspaper that many "important people"
read. Write some, what do you call them "readers letters"?. Most people
in parliament look through it anyway.... and again... the goventment are
trying to portray the story that there are resources for anyone who
wants them, and that the problem is that "the foreigners" don't want to
help themselves.

Just remember, don't lie, just don't always tell the entire truth either.
Nobody need to know that a lot of the people at KISS a temporary
residents. Remember - "you are residents who just want to do whatever
you can to be a part of your community, and now the city is taking that
possibility away.... we thought that everyone wanted us to learn

There is also the initiative "stop nedskræringer! ja til investeringer!"
- "stop the cut-backs! yes to investmenst!" which is organised by students from all
over the education system, including universities. They are protesting
tommorow at rådhuspladsen at 15:30:

actually i think that even the cops are attending tommorow.... a least i
saw that the cops were protesting the cutbacks sometime this week
I would write a banner and get on the side or in front of the protest,
so that cameras can see you. Just write something like

"Vi vil gerne lære dansk, men nu lukker kommunen KISS - Vores sprogskole!"

just get 3 meters of fabric, ("Stof 2000" is pretty cheap) and a spray
can if you don't have time to do something nice with real paint. There
will for sure be cameras there tommorow. I know this is bad taste, but
if you can get somebody, not looking "danish" to carry the banner, it
would be at good press picture, and raise you chance of getting publicity.

Some of the things i say, might seem bad taste, but remember the focus:
Get awarenes about a good school that they are closing. The more people
who know that KISS exists and that it is a good school, the more likely
it is that they will get re-funded.

I hope this will get you started.

K!SS said...

Vi vil gerne lære dansk, men nu lukker kommunen KISS - Vores sprogskole!"

I really like this!! very good idea!
